Important Notes
In light of COVID-19 and the impact it has had on our community, the Chapter is going to hold this Lunch & Learn via Webex. (Unfortunately, you'll have to provide your own lunch.) Details for accessing Webex are at the bottom of this message and at
Event Information
Chapter member Ingo Rosenbaum will lead a presentation and discussion on Wi-Fi Security covering:
- Wi-Fi History
- Wi-Fi Basics – Physical and Network
- System Vulnerability
- Attack Vectors
- Protection and Hardening
- Outlook
- Questions and Discussion
Make your reservations now!
About Ingo 
Ingo is a long time chapter member. He's a certified electronics technician, currently active in the IT Security community.
He attended Faßberg Army Helicopter School to become a radio mechanic, and advanced his education by earning his computer engineering degree.
Ingo has held positions at various US/UK companies, including Bytex, Network Systems, and StorTek. Since 2004, he has been employed at Sophos, most currently as the Head of Public Sector Sales Germany. His primary customers are the Bundeswehr (German Army), BWI, numerous federal accounts, and universities.
Ingo holds his CISSP (#563378) and is a member of (ISC)2 US Military Germany Chapter and AFCEA Chapter Bonn.
You can attend the L&L in one of multiple ways.
- From a personal computer or mobile device, install the Webex client by visiting the Webex Downloads page.
- Dial or from your VTC.
- From a government computer, view the presentation from your browser. Your browser will attempt to have you download the client. Hit cancel and then click on attend meeting in browser.
- We can share the presentation and you can dial in via one of the phone numbers below.
Meeting Information
Meeting Link: Wi-Fi Security L&L
Meeting Number: 621 417 337
Password: Will be provided approximately 24 hours prior to start of meeting via email
Call in: +49-619-6781-9734 or +1-202-860-2110
If you're unfamiliar with Webex and would like to test it head of time, please contact
Viewing After the Fact
Get access to the presentation from here. If you weren't able to attend the presentation, but have watched it after the fact and would like to earn a CPE, please email Webmaster.